¿Qué es el lunfardo?
El lunfardo es una jerga que surgió en Buenos Aires dentro de las clases socioeconómicas medias y bajas, constituidas en su mayoría por la gran cantidad de inmigrantes españoles e italianos que recibió el país a fines del siglo XIX y comienzos del XX. Muchas de las palabras provenientes del lunfardo comenzaron a utilizarse en las letras del tango. De esta manera, el lunfardo comenzó a difundirse por los distintos estratos sociales, y las palabras se volvieron cotidianas y de uso habitual. El lunfardo no existió únicamente en Buenos Aires: pronto, llegó a ciudades vecinas, como Rosario, y a varios países limítrofes.
What is lunfardo?
Lunfardo is a slang/dialect that originated and developed in Buenos Aires, mainly among middle and low-class people. Most of them were Spanish and Italian inmigrants that had come to the country in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Most of the lunfardo words started to appear in Tango lyrics, and so lunfardo became very widespread and all social classes started to use these words in their everyday language. Lunfardo existed not only in Buenos Aires: it also reached other cities, like Rosario, and some neighboring countries too.
What is lunfardo?
Lunfardo is a slang/dialect that originated and developed in Buenos Aires, mainly among middle and low-class people. Most of them were Spanish and Italian inmigrants that had come to the country in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Most of the lunfardo words started to appear in Tango lyrics, and so lunfardo became very widespread and all social classes started to use these words in their everyday language. Lunfardo existed not only in Buenos Aires: it also reached other cities, like Rosario, and some neighboring countries too.
¿Cuáles son las características de esta jerga?
Originalmente, muchas de las palabras del lunfardo fueron tomadas prestadas de otros idiomas (como el italiano, el español de España o el francés) y luego fueron distorsionadas. Otras, en cambio, son simples neologismos o palabras en español que son utilizadas con un significado diferente. De hecho, una de las características principales del lunfardo es el empleo de palabras con sentido metafórico, produciéndose así un desplazamiento semántico y un alejamiento del significado que tienen corrientemente en el español.
What are the characteristics of this slang?
Most of lunfardo words were borrowed from other languages - like Italian, Spanish Spanish and French - and were then transformed. Some other words are neologisms or words in Spanish that receive a different meaning. In fact, lunfardo is known for employing a lot of methaphors, producing a semantic shift in words.
What are the characteristics of this slang?
Most of lunfardo words were borrowed from other languages - like Italian, Spanish Spanish and French - and were then transformed. Some other words are neologisms or words in Spanish that receive a different meaning. In fact, lunfardo is known for employing a lot of methaphors, producing a semantic shift in words.
¿Se sigue utilizando en la actualidad?
Muchas de las palabras que aparecen en los tangos se perdieron y la mayoría de la gente desconoce su significado hoy en día. De todos modos, muchas otras aún forman parte de nuestro vocabulario y, de hecho, constituyen una gran parte de él. Es más: la Real Academia Española ha tomado en consideración muchas de ellas y figuran en su diccionario como palabras provenientes de Argentina. De las palabras que aún forman parte de nuestro vocabulario, algunas son fácilmente identificables como "pertenecientes al lunfardo" y otras no. Sin embargo, las utilizamos a todas por igual en nuestro habla cotidiano. Algunas son de uso más coloquial y no son aceptables en ciertas situaciones, y otras no.
Is this still used nowadays?
Most of the words in tango lyrics are no longer in use and most people don't know what they mean anymore. However, a lot of lunfardo words are still part of the Argentinian vocabulary. The RAE (Real Academia Española, de España) has acknowledged many of these words and incorporated them in their dictionary as 'words used in Argentina'. Some of the words are easily identified as 'lunfardo words', but some aren't. Nevertheless, we use them all in our everyday speech. Some have a very colloquial use and are not accepted in certain contexts, but some others don't.
Most of the words in tango lyrics are no longer in use and most people don't know what they mean anymore. However, a lot of lunfardo words are still part of the Argentinian vocabulary. The RAE (Real Academia Española, de España) has acknowledged many of these words and incorporated them in their dictionary as 'words used in Argentina'. Some of the words are easily identified as 'lunfardo words', but some aren't. Nevertheless, we use them all in our everyday speech. Some have a very colloquial use and are not accepted in certain contexts, but some others don't.
¿Debería poder reconocer qué palabras provienen del lunfardo?
No, no es necesario reconocer el origen lunfardo de una palabra. De hecho, muchos argentinos no podrían hacerlo. Lo importante es que muchas de estas palabras no son enseñadas por los profesores de español, y si viajás a Argentina, te encontrarás con que hay una gran cantidad de palabras que no conocés y que aquí se utilizan cotidianamente. Muchas de ellas probablemente provengan del lunfardo. No es necesario que sepas esto. Simplemente deberás incorporarlas a tu vocabulario como incorporas cualquier otra palabra; no hay ninguna diferencia.
Should I be able to tell which words are lunfardo words?
You don't need to acknowledge their lunfardo origin. In fact, many Argentinian people wouldn't be able to do that. The important thing is that most of these words aren't taught by Spanish teachers, and if you ever travel to Argentina you will realize that there are a bunch of words that you don't know and that are used very frequently. Most of them will be lunfardo words. It's not necessary for you to know this. You'll just have to add them to your Spanish vocabulary just like you do with any other word. There's no difference.
Should I be able to tell which words are lunfardo words?
You don't need to acknowledge their lunfardo origin. In fact, many Argentinian people wouldn't be able to do that. The important thing is that most of these words aren't taught by Spanish teachers, and if you ever travel to Argentina you will realize that there are a bunch of words that you don't know and that are used very frequently. Most of them will be lunfardo words. It's not necessary for you to know this. You'll just have to add them to your Spanish vocabulary just like you do with any other word. There's no difference.
A continuación, la primer entrega de "Vocabulario Argentino - Lunfardo Edition"
Me encanto esta entrada. Mi marido se interesa mucho por los temas de lunfardo, de modo que algo he escuchado. Muy interesantes los temas que abordas. Te sigo