La Celiaquía es "la intolerancia permanente al gluten, conjunto de proteínas presentes en el trigo, avena, cebada y centeno (T.A.C.C.) y productos derivados de estos cuatro cereales"*. Por lo tanto, las personas celíacas deben llevar una dieta alimentaria libre de gluten.
Celiac disease is a cronic intolerance to gluten, a group of proteins found in wheat, oats, barley and rye (in Spanish, T.A.C.C.) and in other products derived from these grains. Therefore, celiacs rely on a gluten-free diet.
La ley nacional N° 26.588 establece, entre otras cosas, que los productos alimenticios que se comercialicen en el país deben llevar impresos en sus envases o envoltorios, y de modo visible, la inscripción "SIN T.A.C.C." y alguno de los símbolos que caracterizan a esta categoría de alimentos:
There is a national law (N° 26.588) that claims, among other things, that all food products sold within the country which don't contain gluten should have the words 'SIN T.A.C.C.' and one of the following logos printed in their package:
Celiac disease is a cronic intolerance to gluten, a group of proteins found in wheat, oats, barley and rye (in Spanish, T.A.C.C.) and in other products derived from these grains. Therefore, celiacs rely on a gluten-free diet.
La ley nacional N° 26.588 establece, entre otras cosas, que los productos alimenticios que se comercialicen en el país deben llevar impresos en sus envases o envoltorios, y de modo visible, la inscripción "SIN T.A.C.C." y alguno de los símbolos que caracterizan a esta categoría de alimentos:
There is a national law (N° 26.588) that claims, among other things, that all food products sold within the country which don't contain gluten should have the words 'SIN T.A.C.C.' and one of the following logos printed in their package:
The purpose of this is to help people with celiac disease to quickly identify gluten-free products and also to let them know that they can ingest these foods with absolute trust.
Incluso los shampoos deben presentar este logo si son aptos para celíacos
Even shampoos should have this logo printed if they are gluten-free
La venta de productos hechos exclusivamente para celíacos se limita a las grandes ciudades, y éstos habitualmente tienen precios muy elevados. Es por ello que en Argentina pueden solicitarse ayudas estatales para poder llevar una dieta libre de gluten. Se pueden pedir Ayudas Alimentarias y/o Pensiones No Contributivas. Podrás encontrar productos alimenticios especialmente elaborados para personas celíacas (galletitas, por ejemplo) en los supermercados, ubicados generalmente en secciones específicas para celíacos.
Products exclusively made for celiacs (cookies, for example) are usually available only in large cities, and they're usually quite pricey. That's why in Argentina you can get state aid and receive a certain amount of money to buy some of these products. They are available at supermarkets and usually found under the section 'Aptos para celíacos'.
Products exclusively made for celiacs (cookies, for example) are usually available only in large cities, and they're usually quite pricey. That's why in Argentina you can get state aid and receive a certain amount of money to buy some of these products. They are available at supermarkets and usually found under the section 'Aptos para celíacos'.
Encontrarás productos especialmente hechos para celíacos en los supermercados,
aunque el precio generalmente duplica el de los productos con gluten.
You will find products exclusively made for celiacs at supermarkets,
but their price is usually two times higher than the price of products with gluten.
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